US Fertility Report
Which states have caught ‘baby fever’?
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During the COVID-19 pandemic, communities came together to support each other and this emphasized the value of family. Subsequently, it has inspired Americans to think about having children of their own. Having said this, the concept of fertility is complex and differs from one person to another.
Here at NiceRx, we were curious about all things fertility in the US – which state has the most fertility clinics? Who has the highest fertility rate? Where are people searching about it the most? Look no further as we have the answers!
To kick off our fertility report we have ranked each US state based on who has the highest fertility rate using data from 2022. For the purpose of this list, ‘fertility rate’ is determined by the number of births per 1,000 women.
1. South Dakota – 73.6 Fertility Rate
In terms of the highest US fertility rate, South Dakota takes the top spot with 73.6 babies being born per 1,000 women. Based on the fact that this state is known for having one of the strongest economies and quality of life, it’s no surprise that the residents here are keen to increase the size of their families!
2. North Dakota – 72.2 Fertility Rate
With a low cost of living and a low crime rate, the state of North Dakota is characterized by features indicative of a child-friendly environment. Moreover, with a fertility rate of 72.2, it falls just short of its southern neighbors making it the second most fertile state in the US.
3. Alaska – 69.3 Fertility Rate
Since the implementation of Alaska’s ‘Permanent Fund Dividend’, which annually pays out money to every resident living in the state, they have seen an increase in their fertility rate. As of 2022, Alaska’s fertility rate stands at 69.3, which is the third highest in the US.
We were also interested in finding out where the hotspots are in terms of fertility clinics. As a result, we have collated a list of the US states with the most fertility clinics, making it easy for you to see where your state stands in the rankings!
1. Hawaii – 3.73 fertility clinics per 1,000,000 residents
Despite not having the highest total number of fertility clinics when compared to other states, Hawaii takes the top spot in terms of the number of clinics per 1,000,000 residents. This finding suggests that this state perceives fertility as an important factor, thus they have a range of facilities to cater to this.
2. Vermont – 2.46 fertility clinics per 1,000,000 residents
Vermont comes in at number two with 2.46 fertility clinics per 1,000,000 residents. One of the common factors associated with infertility is age, and as a state with a large percentage of over 35-year-olds, it suggests that Vermont residents are among the demographic who are likely to seek fertility-related assistance.
3. North Dakota – 1.30 fertility clinics per 1,000,000 residents
In a similar fashion to the above list, North Dakota has also appeared in this ranking – with 1.30 fertility clinics per 1,000,000 residents. As it was previously revealed, this state has the second-highest fertility rate, and this could be a result of its abundance of fertility clinics.
As well as looking at which states are currently the most fertile, we also wanted to find out who is the most interested in learning about fertility. We did this by analyzing Google search data over the last 12 months and factoring in population differences.
1. North Dakota – 329 Searches per 100,000 Residents
Even though North Dakota has fewer overall Google searches than other states in this list, it takes the top spot in terms of the number of searches per 100,000 residents. Making an appearance in every top three list so far, it seems that the residents of North Dakota have a keen interest in anything fertility-related!
2. Mississippi – 322 Searches per 100,000 Residents
Despite not making the top ten list of states with the highest fertility rates, Mississippi does have the second most fertility-related searches. Residents here may not be having children at the same rate as other states, but they are actively researching different treatments and advice which demonstrates a potential interest in having children in the future.
3. Hawaii – 304 Searches per 100,000 Residents
Completing this top three list is Hawaii with 304 Google searches per 100,000 residents. As revealed earlier in this report, this state also has an abundance of fertility clinics which may explain why the residents here are keen to research this topic.
As well as finding out which states in America are currently searching the most about fertility, it is also interesting to see what US residents are searching for when it comes to this topic.
Below is a list of the most popular fertility-based questions searched in the US between 2021-2022.
We used 2022 data from World Population Review to find the fertility rate for each US state.
We used data from CDC to determine the number of fertility clinics in each US state as of 2022. By dividing the total number of fertility clinics by the population for each state and multiplying this number by 1,000,000 we were able to calculate the number of fertility clinics per 1,000,000 residents.
We used the Keywords Explorer feature on Ahrefs to collect a range of fertility-related questions. We then used Google Keyword Planner to add up the total number of fertility question searches for each state between Oct 2021 and Sept 2022 as well as the population for each state. By dividing the total number of searches by the population for each state and multiplying this number by 100,000, we were able to calculate the number of searches per 100,000 residents.