It goes without saying how vital the healthcare industry is to the U.S. Despite how easy it is to buy affordable me...
Which US States have the Highest Number of Emergency Room Visits? It has been reported that over 130 million Americ...
Which states have caught ‘baby fever’? As the cost of living continues to rise, it is more important than ever ...
The states paying the most for healthcare The cost of living crisis has hit America hard, leaving citizens struggli...
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Which States Have the Most Binge Drinkers & Alcohol Deaths? Despite the fact that the legal drinking age in the...
The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a huge impact on everyone’s mental health, and this has in turn put ...
Which states are experiencing the most drug overdoses and what are the most common drugs used in the US? It is impo...
The biggest smoker countries and US states revealed A huge portion of the world’s population are smokers, in fact...
How does medical debt vary across the country? Receiving medical treatment can be an unpleasant experience at the b...
How common are workplace accidents in the US? And which states see the most injuries? No matter how careful you may...
The most popular alternative medicines & therapies revealed & the states using them America is a vastly div...
Which states see most of their wages spent on health insurance? And how does this compare to other costs of living ...